We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Volunteer Awards Program in 2020. OMHS is excited to celebrate and acknowledge the amazing work of our volunteers. We are very grateful for the support of our team of more than 450 volunteers who, through their passion and talents, give voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.

2020 OMHS Volunteer Awards Program Launches - 2020 OMHS Volunteer Awards Program Launches

This year we are introducing four awards.

Outstanding Volunteer Service Award – presented to a volunteer who has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of life for animals.

Outstanding Youth Volunteer Achievement Award – presented to a youth volunteer who has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of life for animals.

Foster Family of the Year Award – presented to a foster family who has demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in fostering animals.

Lifetime Achievement Award – presented to a volunteer who has gone above and beyond in demonstrating compassion for animals as well as exhibiting exceptional service/leadership qualities.

2020 OMHS Volunteer Awards Program Launches - 2020 OMHS Volunteer Awards Program Launches

Nominations will be accepted until October 19. An Awards Committee will meet to review the nominations and select this year's recipients. Presentations will be made virtually and will be featured on our website, Facebook and in Fetch. For more information contact us at coe@omhs.ca or 905-845-1551, extension 305.

- 2020 OMHS Volunteer Awards Program Launches