From left to right Dr. Brett Warren, hospital director, Dr. Christina Miu, Dr. Helen Waters and Dr. Kristin Baird.
The Oakville & Milton Humane Society (OMHS) does not employ an on-site veterinarian and is therefore dependent on the veterinary professionals in our community. These special individuals provide our animals with everything they need, from thorough examinations, rabies vaccinations, and spay/neuter surgeries, to more involved medical services for our sick or injured animals. We could not fulfill our mission without their expertise and support. In the New Year we look forward to building new relationships and expanding our reach to further benefit the animals at OMHS.
This month we shine the spotlight on the Oakville Animal Clinic, a well-established clinic in Oakville. More than 15 years ago we were approached by Dr. Brett Warren with the offer of his expertise for some of the more difficult orthopedic cases we receive. Since then, the clinic has increased its contribution to the welfare of abandoned and injured animals by providing additional surgical procedures and hospital stays for OMHS animals requiring medical attention.
As one of the clinics that contribute to the care of our pediatric population of puppies and kittens, the Oakville Animal Clinic made a further commitment in 2009 to provide 50 spay and neuter surgeries each year. To date, that’s 600 pets spayed or neutered!
In 2015, veterinarians Dr. Baird, Dr. Miu and Dr. Waters began a rotation of weekly visits to the shelter to ensure the animals are monitored and well cared for. With their assistance and recommendations to our registered veterinarian technicians, we know our animals are off to a good start.
Pictured here are Oscar and Lucille. Oscar the cat came to OMHS with two broken legs! He was treated and bones repaired at the clinic and fostered by the clinic for much of his recovery. Thanks to the medical team and support staff, Oscar had no problem finding his forever home when he was ready.
Lucille spent many years producing puppies before coming to OMHS. She was spayed and had an inguinal hernia repaired at the clinic. We are so grateful to the doctors and staff at the Oakville Animal Clinic who have shared their expertise and shown their compassion and dedication to the welfare of the vulnerable animals in our community.
Veterinary Spotlight will be a regular OMHS feature that focuses on our veterinary partners in our community.