This month we shine the spotlight on one of our Mississauga partners, Erin Mills Pet Hospital. They have been an OMHS partner for more than 30 years and while some faces have changed over that time, their dedication to helping homeless pets has not wavered. Dr. Starink, Dr. Jassal and Dr. Varma currently head up a team of dedicated and passionate doctors and support staff.
Erin Mills Pet Hospital contributes in various ways, ranging from a fundraising BBQ to providing support to OMHS when called upon to enforce cruelty and neglect cases in the area. One of our biggest challenges is finding safe spaces when we need to care for multiple animals at the same time. In those cases we often rely on our veterinary partners like Erin Mills Pet Hospital to provide shelter.
For example they opened their doors to help us in 2008 with our Bengal cat removal and again in 2015 with back-to-back cases involving over 25 Beagles followed by 16 Saluki dogs. Not only did they provide a safe haven for the animals, they also contributed veterinary care so they got a healthy start before beginning their new lives.
While the clinic has long been a partner in our Spay and Neuter Program, in 2013 Erin Mills Pet Hospital became one of the few clinics to provide outstanding care to the pediatric kittens at OMHS. With the assistance of The O’Brien Stray Cat Trust, a private fund monitored by Dr Starink, the hospital helps homeless cats and kittens. The clinic has contributed thousands of dollars in services since the program’s inception to ensure spays and neuters are done prior to finding loving forever homes.
We are so thankful for their commitment to OMHS and this important aspect of pet ownership.