Happy Tails

We love hearing from our alumni! If you have a “Happy Tails” story you would like posted, please email us your story and photos to happytails@omhs.ca




Wanted to send an update I adopted my bunny from your shelter in July of 2021 and he is living his most wonderful and spoiled life, he loves to cuddle and be around his humans 24/7 he is still very food motivated and has two separate dog beds he snoozes in. Adopting him from your shelter was one of the best decisions ever made he has such a funny and bossy personality and is the biggest lover bun ever! We named him Meeko as it translates to little mischief! – Julia
Sookie & Lorelai

sookie & lorelai

They are doing great! I was worried they would be scared, but they were chirping almost right away. I did notice they fought over food sometimes, but I have provided a couple of larger food dishes and that is working well so far. I tried to give them some chopped carrots, but they didn’t seem to eat a lot of it. The adoption process was quick and seamless. I did like the online application because some shelters didn’t have that. I’m happy that things moved along quickly as well. – Linda


Lloyd is adjusting really well, he has been loving the attention and has adjusted so quickly to his environment. He is very chatty and love to cuddle at night. He is not presenting any odd behaviours. And no questions or suggestions the adoption was perfect! 🙂 – Jessica


Yesterday marks 3 years since adopting our dog Lewis and we just wanted to send a little update and thank you for everything you do to help animals find their forever homes!
Lewis loves chasing squirrels & bunnies in his backyard, he will even zone in on butterflies in the spring & summer (that’s his terrier coming out). He is the king of people watching and likes to sit on his throne (the padded window seat) and watch all of the neighbour dogs walk by and remind them whose lawn they are stepping on. If he isn’t patrolling the neighbourhood he is passed out in front of the fireplace dreaming about his next meal. His best friends are his cousins, and he loves when they come down from Ottawa to visit, they will take turns playing tag in the backyard until we have to force them to relax since they are too excited to stop. He is a bed hog, and prefers laying his head on the pillows at the top of the bed. But his most favourite thing to do is go to the cottage – he gets to explore on his retractable leash, enjoys the wind in his hair on boat rides, and sun tan on the dock.
He has been the best thing to come into our lives and we couldn’t love him more.
Cheers, Sarah, David & Lewis
Cleo & Sebastian

Cleo & sebastian

Hi there. Thanks for checking in. Seb & Cleo are doing really well. They are amazing. So much energy and so affectionate. They play hard and then crash. They had their first vet appointment about a week ago. Doing well gaining weight. Our family is thoroughly enjoying their company and mischief!
Thanks for the work you and your team do! – Sharon


Theodore has been doing really well. He's been super friendly all the time and greets us every morning and whenever we come back home from any outing. He's looking for us to play with him and chases his toys all over the house. He's also been super cuddly when he wants to relax. Theodore took to us so quickly too, within the first couple hours he was all over us! He's always laying down on our heads! He loves watching birds in the morning and evening as they fly near the window. He's been really good with scratching and really only uses his scratching toys too. He even liked seeing the Vet as well and ran around the room the whole time watching a fly buzz around. We truly couldn't be happier with him! We have been very grateful for all your support in the adoption process throughout. – Alex and Monica


Mae is doing wonderfully, I have officially renamed her tuna ! She is a lovely little girl and chirps and trills to let me know she’s around during the day. Her favourite spots to sleep are on the window ledge or her cactus cat tree. She has adjusted very well and is eating and using her litter properly. She is a floppy girl who wants scratches and attention all day. I love my tuna melt and I’m so excited for many years to come ! She’s certainly a vocal cat and lets you know when she’s done being pet or held. She’s learning slowly how to cuddle and her favourite time is when I come home from work she does her barrel roll flops onto the floor and purrs.
O'Hara (2)


We are doing well. O'Hara is adjusting well. She is eating a lot of hay and drinks a lot of water. I was surprised how much more compared to our holland lop :). She is very calm and confident. Lets us pick her up and loves head rubs. The one thing i was not expecting she started pooping everywhere once introduced to our bunny (marking teritory) but that has since improved and almost stopped. We started introducing them slowly. For now they are not the best of friends, hopefully they can bond soon.
Happy (1)


Happy is doing wonderful! He surprises us everyday with how loving he can be. It is fun learning what his tricks and talents are. He has only ever bitten hard once but that was on day two of being home with us, this is to be expected as he is learning to trust us. Since then he gently warns us and we respect those boundaries. Last night he fell asleep on my daughter's chest. It was so cute! – Jennifer
Oswald (1)


Oswald is doing so well! He is such a happy, loving, sweetheart of a cat! He is adjusting very very well to our home, being his explorative curious self! We love him so so much and are beyond happy to have him in our home! Overall things have been very well with Oswald. We couldn’t ask for a more perfect cat!  We are still slowly trying to introduce Oswald to our previous cat Feather, as they are not quite getting along yet. Feather has had a bit of a tough time getting to know Oswald. We’ve been introducing them very slow and they are now okay with each others scent, as we have been site swapping (Oswald stays in our room during the day while we are at work, and when we arrive home we switch and allow Oswald into the main rooms). I have also attached some photos and videos. Oswald hugs which is the sweetest thing EVER! Thank you so much for everything. We are so happy! -Winter & Daniel 
Tiamat (1)


She's doing very well!!! She is very food driven and is more comfortable to handling and touching now. In the photo she just had a nice warm soak and is pancaking on my hand. – Lucy
Wanda&Cosmo (1)

Cosmo & Wanda

As I write this both of them are lying on my legs. We did change their names Wanda is now Alley Cat (Alley) and Cosmo is now Alexander Tyrone (Lex/Lexie). All our male cats had Tyrone as their second name. They have adjusted really well. Within a day they were running around their room and playing actively with us. By day three both of them started sleeping on one of us in their room for their afternoon nap. Both like to snuggle. Yesterday we let them have supervised time on the second floor (we have a gate blocking the hallway and stairs to the first floor. They are loving their freedom. When they have had enough they go back to their room. Lex especially loves the aquarium channel. He is transfixed with the fish. We are in love with them and so grateful we were able to adopt them. Today they have been out on the second floor for most of the day except for their morning nap. It will be afternoon nap time soon. We will be taking them to the vet next week for a check in. We had a great adoption experience and want to thank everyone at the OMHS. – Pam


Smudge is doing AMAZING since I brought him home. He has adapted super well to my apartment and loves to cuddle at every moment of the day! He’s now completely comfortable using the litter box and also has been loving the new toys I got for him. I didn’t expect him to be so playful but he is! There wasn’t any behaviours really I didn’t expect other than sometimes when I pet him even when he’s relaxed he gets excited and starts to nip at my hands a little bit. But after getting him so toys to play with he’s mostly stopped, I think he just wanted to play! 
I honestly had the easiest adoption process with you all, and I’m so thankful you literally brought me the light of my life. He has been such a joy to have here and I couldn’t be more in love. Thanks again!
Leah & Smudge


Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Gabby has become the queen of the household and gives the best cuddles.  She has been so good and we all love her so much. – The French Family



We’re thrilled to report Gus is quickly settling into his new home! He walks very well on his leash and loves exploring his new neighbourhood. When he’s not walking, snacking, or sleeping on his cozy bed with his stuffies, he’s asking for pets and belly rubs. He’s always close to us or touching us. His love of food (except steamed broccoli) and his eagerness to please is making training a breeze. We’re taking crate training very slowly but he’s making great progress and sometimes chooses to nap in his crate! He’s sleeping well through the night and hasn’t had any accidents. So far, so great! Gus is friendly, sweet, gentle, and silly. And so, so loved. Thank you for everything. – Caroline and Keith 


Sir Earl Crouton The Third

Sir Earl Crouton the Third

Crouton is doing so well! He is such a happy cat here at home. His overall behaviour is extremely cuddly and he loves grooming us in the morning to ask for some attention. He's a quiet cat but has loud purrs which is so sweet! In general, such a good cat. Me and my roommates absolutely adore him. The adoption process was super straightforward. – Ela




Shelby is doing great! She spent her first couple of days here hiding under the bed but now loves to be petted and play with all her toys.  She is still a little unsure of everything and hasn't explored the whole house yet. The adoption process was smooth and easy, I don't have any notes for improvement. All the staff at Oakville humane were super helpful! It was so generous to send us home with food and coupons. – Tessa




Hi there! Thanks for checking in on Spudz! He is doing so well, I am so happy with how quickly he has adjusted to everything! He is already walking around the house like he owns the place! Him and my other cat are getting along just fine which I am so happy about! He is such a funny guy as if he has had enough pets then we will get up and go sit somewhere else by himself. He also is very spoiled and sleeps on one of our beds at night (even though we bought him his own bed). Adopting through OMHS was so easy and everyone was so pleasant! I have absolutely no complaints. We are loving learning more about Spudz everyday and can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with him! Thank you again for the wonderful adoption experience. – Raeanne 




Thanks for checking in Bugz. Bugz is doing well. He seems to be very calm, well-trained and not destructive at all so we feel we don’t need to put him in his pen. He’s more active at night so we try to bond with him by sitting quietly and petting him whenever he goes out. I feel like he’s adjusting well in our home and today he flopped in front of us for the first time! Overall, we are very satisfied with the service at OMHS and we trust that you’re helping a lot of animals like Bugz. Hope more pets will get to be adopted in a nice home too! Thanks to all the staff at OMHS for doing the amazing work and your kind heart. – Kelsey




She is getting more and more comfortable here, and her personality is really shining. She has begun showing us her jumping abilities, with a >3′ tall pen she has still attempted to get over it. She likes to spend a lot of time on top of her cage inside the pen, which we've covered in sheets to make it a little safer. The pen is expanded a little bit but still fairly constrained, and now we have an Ikea tube in there which she is pretty delighted with. She's enjoying her Bankers box and also has discovered willow. She isn't an intense chewer, but really likes to toss the sticks around. Her fancy stacking cups arrive later today and I am very excited to introduce them to her! She is binkying and flopping, plus giving us a ton of tooth purrs when we smoosh her with cuddles. Her litter habits are basically flawless, which given the stress of a move is really impressive! Thanks again for introducing us to our wonderful new family member. Aside from the hilariously endearing rabbi-tude, she is the cuddliest bunny we have ever met, and we will work hard to show her the life of love she deserves. – Nick




I can’t believe it’s already been a week with Halle. She’s been adjusting rather well I think! She’s such a sweet girl who has stolen my heart! She loves to play with her chew toys, chase a ball/grab at toys with her paws and cuddle, sometimes too much haha! But I’m loving it nonetheless. I’ve kept on with the commands she already knows and implemented waiting and sitting both in the home and on our walks when we cross the street. She waits for her food too and gives me her paw when I ask! I’m correcting her on walks when she pulls a little bit for the most part she’s so good! She’s a fast learner! I can understand why you and your staff became attached to her because she definitely has a way of tugging at your heart strings. She’s currently curled up and snoozing next to me, she looks so peaceful! Thank you. – Alexa




We are super glad to have Charlie in our family. Our cute Charlie has stolen our hearts from the first day. Little by little, he is getting familiar with our place. He's already picked his favorite toy, a grey fur ball, and his favorite place to sit, the dining chair. We will keep in touch with Charlie's progress! – Hossein




Terry is doing well! He hid the first day and most of the second but came out all on his own by the end of the day and he even claimed his spot on the sofa. He loves to people watch and sleep in his cat tree. It definitely took him a while to start playing with his toys but that’s one of his favourite things to do now. He’s started following me around and head butting me for pets and head scratches, and has definitely yelled at me for not petting him quickly enough (usually when my hands are full). Working with OMHS was a very easy and quick process. I appreciated the amount of information about what to expect with Terry. – Jodi




Churro is fitting in here perfectly! He interacts very well with both our two cats. He's so far not much of a lap-cat, but he loves to follow us around the house and sleep near us (often on our keyboards while working!). Since his adoption, he has been to the vet, is healthy and growing fast. Overall, we are very happy to have Churro in our home. Thanks for checking in! – Mac & Maria




Kiwi is adjusting really well and quickly too. We have her in her own cage, across from the big cage in which Skye (our other little budgie) lives. The other day, I left Kiwi’s cage open and when I was not looking, she was in the big cage exploring it. Now she spends the whole day on and in the big cage. She is not comfortable flying but did a couple of twirls in the family room. In the evening I play soft classical music for a little bit for both of them, which they enjoy, before they sleep. She comes on to my hand and is happy, she is sweet, adorable, and a joy. I found it a pleasure dealing with the Oakville & Milton Humane Society, everyone is so friendly and informative. Thanks again. – Diana 



Fawn & Marbles 

Fawn and Marbles are doing well! They're still getting used to me but day by day they trust me a little more. Marbles is willing to eat out of my hand but Fawn still isn't quite sure about me yet. They like snuggling together in their blanket and keeping watch in high places. Hopefully my bond with them can improve as time goes on! – Hayley 




I’m pleasantly surprised at how well Rocket has settled in, as well as how good his behaviour is. In almost three weeks, Rocket has become a fantastic walker. This week he fully stopped pulling while walking and we have had even-paced walks. He listens to “wait” and “okay” when wanting to go on the couch or bed, or when I need to clean his paws before running into the house, and is overall a really good listener/has great behaviour! He is SUPER snuggly and just wants to be on us all the time. He’s so funny and fun to play with and just a happy guy. We love having him here so much. – Christina 




Thankfully Edna has found herself right at home with my boyfriend and I! We are so grateful that Edna has quickly formed a bond with us, it's almost as if we've had her since she was born. She has had no problem navigating the environment. She is incredibly well behaved, extremely affectionate, loves being held, everything we were hoping for! The only comment on the experience with OMHS is the professionalism shown by the staff, particularly everyone's friendly approach in explaining the adoption process. – Taylor