Barn Buddies Adoption Form First and Last Name Spouse/Roommate Name(s) City Street Address Unit Postal Code Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address Living Accommodations Living Accommodations House Mobile Home Apartment Other Do you rent or own? Do you rent or own? Rent Own Other Landlord/Apt Manager Name & Phone Number Do you live here full-time? Do you live here full-time? No Yes What is the size and description of your property? Describe the structure in which the cat will be housed How far from the road/traffic is your barn located? Volume of Traffic Volume of Traffic Low Medium High Speed Limit Is your barn a working barn/farm? Is your barn a working barn/farm? For Profit Hobby Farm Why do you want a barn cat? Barn cats must be securely confined for 2 – 4 weeks. Do you have an area of the barn that is secure to do this? Barn cats must be securely confined for 2 – 4 weeks. Do you have an area of the barn that is secure to do this? No Yes Are you prepared to allow this much time? Are you prepared to allow this much time? No Yes Who will be responsible for your barn cat’s care? Who will care for your barn cats if you are away? Do you agree to trap and take to the vet a barn cat that becomes ill or injured? Do you agree to trap and take to the vet a barn cat that becomes ill or injured? No Yes Have you had pets before? Have you had pets before? No Yes What happened to the pets you no longer have? Do you have pets of your own at this time? Do you have pets of your own at this time? No Yes Please enter the following information for each pet you currently own: Pet’s Name, Breed, Age, Sex, Spay/Neutered (yes/no)?, Lives Inside/outside or both, Where did you get this pet, Years Owned. Please provide name of your small animal vet: What other types of animals will the cats share the barn with? Do you currently have barn cats Do you currently have barn cats No Yes Are they spayed or neutered? Are they spayed or neutered? No Yes If you have a dog is he permitted to run loose? If you have a dog is he permitted to run loose? No Yes What provision(s) will be made to protect the cats? Submit Subscribe to Fetch Recent NewsAn Unforgettable Evening: Over $180,000 Raised for AnimalsNovember 18, 2024Final Beloved Pet Excavated as Oakville & Milton Humane Society's Pet Cemetery Project Comes to an EndAugust 22, 2024Just Don’t Do It: The Dangers of Pets and Hot CarsAugust 1, 2024Unearthing compassion: OMHS pet cemetery excavationJuly 17, 2024Celebrating our 2024 Volunteer Award WinnersJuly 10, 2024