Customer Service Charter
We want to give the best service we can to anyone who needs our help
Our commitment to you!
- We will greet you promptly, and with a smile
- We will treat you with courtesy and respect
- We will try not to keep you waiting
- We will try to answer your questions as best we can, if we cannot do this, we will pass you on to someone who can or will get back to you
- We will take responsibility when dealing with your request, making sure we do whatever is required
- We will ensure services are as accessible as possible and consider individual circumstances/special needs, e.g. Young and older people
- We will give you choices about how and when to contact us
- We will look for ways to improve services and will learn from comments and compliments
When you contact us by phone
- We will call you back if you ask us to within 24 hours
- We will give you our name and if you need to contact us again, our direct telephone number and/or email address
- We will try to give you all the advice and information that you need or ensure that we hand you off to a staff person who can help you
When you contact us in writing/by email
- We will acknowledge your email within 24 hours or letter within one week, and respond or advise when you can expect a meaningful response
- We will let you know when a full response can be provided if we cannot respond in this timescale
- We will reply in English
When you visit us
- We will make every effort to not keep you waiting for longer than a few minutes
- If you do have to wait, we will ensure you are comfortable while you do so
- We will endeavour to give you all the advice and information that you need
- We will arrange a private greeting room when an appointment has been made or should your communication be sensitive
- We will give you our name and contact details, and that of our supervisor if you request
- We will provide a safe and comfortable environment
Help us to improve our service
OMHS welcomes your comments on the service we provide. They will help us improve. If you think something has gone wrong, we need to know so that we can put it right.
If you would like to make a suggestion or improvement, please contact us. You can also provide your feedback on our programs and services.