Report a Lost Pet
Is Your Pet Lost?
If you have lost your pet in Oakville, please contact us at 905-845-1551 ext 302, email us or fill out the form below. A member of our Lost & Found team will be in contact with you to file a detailed lost report on your missing pet.
Everyone describes their cat differently. Here is a handy guide to help you determine what colour your cat is.
For residents of Milton, please visit Milton's animal services page to report a lost pet.
Report your lost pet
*You must be 18 years or older to file a lost report*
Other resources you can use to help find your pet are:
- Post on Helping Lost Pets, Oakville Lost & Found Pets Facebook Page and Kijiji lost pets. Helping Lost Pets is a national lost/found pet registry that is free to use. When a pet is listed, email/text alerts are sent to members in the area. You can also create a flyer from your listing too
- Speak to your neighbours and post signs in your neighbourhood
- If your pet is microchipped, call your microchip provider company to ensure your information is up to date
- Call other shelters in your area
List of Shelters surrounding the Oakville area:
Milton Animal Control 905-878-7252 ext 2254
Mississauga Animal Services 905-896-5864
Burlington Animal Control 905-335-3030
Hamilton Animal Control 905-574-7722
Hamilton Animal Control 905-574-3433
Guelph Humane Society 519-824-3091
Etobicoke Humane Society 416-338-6271
Toronto Animal Services 416-338-7297

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